Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Welcome Back to RVMS Art 2015-2016

Welcome Back!
All 8th grade students will need a spiral bound sketchbook or a folder with plain white paper. If you are interested in buying a sketch book, Hobby Lobby usually has a weekly 40% off coupon! Makes it cheaper than buying at WalMart!
Below is what we will cover the first day!

Welcome Back!
8th grade Art

Twitter account:
only for students and parents

Will have helpful hints and assignments

You will have art for only 12 weeks. The trimester will end in November. In that time we will complete many art experiences.
But, and it is a big BUT, you have to be on task with me!
There will beat least 3 big long term projects as well as several shorter projects.
You will be expected to have a sketchbook or an alternate folder or work.

Classroom needs: 
Everyday: Pencil!!!!!!!
Your sketchbook
and your Agenda Book (Even in 9th period!)
Projects due dates will be posted on the side board. Plenty of time will be given to complete a project or assignment.
Projects and assignments will lose 10% everyday that they are late.
Something is better than nothing! Remember this!

Will be given!

There will be no warning for throwing things, it is an automatic yellow. You are only here for 40 minutes, you can refrain from throwing!

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